Watercolor Art

I didn’t choose Art, Art choose me. I began exploring “watercolors” around the time the “Pandemic” began. I was intrigued, curious and persistent to do this! At the same time I was doubtful but with a good dose of doubt comes perseverance. I was homebound, living alone and had the time. 2020 a year I’ll never forget. I also became a GrandMother that Year as well and two years later, 2022, Leo was born.

I love watercolors, mixing the paints, learning about values and putting the color on the paper. In the process I have learned so much about myself. My likes, dislikes, anger management (haha), patience, flow, trepidation and most importantly persistence. I have become more refined with time and I am grateful for this. In the beginning of my journey I would draw and paint exactly what I saw and as time went by my process became more refined. It was fun to mix colors, learn about layers and values. I’m always learning more about the process and about myself. I love it.

This past spring I was inspired to paint a portrait of my grand-daughter CeCe. I’ve never done this before and it was challenging to say the least but I persisted and “well” it was done before I knew it. My time spent painting her felt “intimate”, fun and alive. I really wanted to capture the “essence” of her, especially the eyes and mouth. I felt very satisfied with this portrait and hope to do more of her in the future. I see her everyday when I walk down the hallway and this brings me a sense of Joy.

If anyone out there is considering painting. Don’t hesitate, just do it and keep going. It will bring out those hidden treasures within you!

This is a time to “Crack Open Our Hearts”

I see you, I know you and I love you! This is a time to crack open our hearts, to express our truth, and to share our vulnerability. To be honest. It is time isn’t it? We are way past due, we have been living in a world with conditions, to conform with how we are suppose to live and what we are suppose to do. It’s time don’t you think to share who we are? To share our anger, grief, pain, and also share are joy, kindness, and love.

Was it not during the Renaissance when art was created? At a time when despair was multiplying and as a result inspiration surfaced. Maybe, just maybe this is the time for that! This is the time for that! This is the time to Love. Maybe we have been selfish and haven’t learned how to reach our hands out to embrace another human being no matter what culture or ethic background they come from and as a result finding love and compassion in our hearts. Maybe this is the time to look at our own hearts and find the courage or audacity to say “hey wait a minute I matter and so do you, what can be done to work together! Now is the time to do that! This is a Grand time. Our hearts are cracking us open at the deepest level. Cracking the grief we felt from long ago that we never embraced out of fear of rejection or had the tools to embrace. The losses we have had in our every day life that we never embraced and going forth as if nothing ever happened. Enough already! We came to this earth life to feel!

As if the leaves that are covering our precious earth is covering “the mother energy”. It’s a time of grand creation. The mother is calling us to rejoice, and the mother is in each one of us, and it does not matter if your a mother or not. Isen’t time!

Yes, It is a time of uncertainty and can you be with that? It is a time to let go, can you let go? It is time to put your hands up in the air and say “screw that”, can you do that? I think you can, I know I can. Do not be afraid to own your power, to weep, to let your heart erupt in a million different directions. Do not be afraid to have your dreams shattered. Maybe they weren’t really what you wanted to begin with, but you settled. Now is the time, now is the time. Don’t wait. Allow. let it happen and I love you

“Are You Feeling The (Fall Back) Time Change”

Nope, you are not going crazy for possibly feeling “out of sync” this week.  When this time of year rolls around  I get tired easier and need to be gentle with myself.  This involves eating healthier, less sugar and caffeine and more fruits and vegetables.  I also give myself permission to rest and allow my body’s rhythm to adjust.  It takes me 3-5 days to adjust.

I also do not like it when it is dark outside at 5:30PM.  I am someone who loves the sun and craves the sunlight.  But… there can be benefits.   I love to cook soup, eat hot meals  and settle in early.   I go to bed early and upon rising witness the beautiful sunrise.  I think of it as “nestling” in to a new rhythm for the next several months and maybe it gives us an excuse to sleep longer.

What you need to know about the Time Change:

Time changes our circadian rhythm and as a result we feel more tired.

How to tackle tiredness:

  1.  Get more rest
  2. Take Supplements
  3. Exercise
  4. Eat more fat.  ie avocados, nuts.  If we don’t get good fat in our diet certain hormones get imbalanced which can add to tiredness.
  5. Use your own compass to figure out much sleep you need.  It is different for everyone.
  6. Take Melatonin.  We are more deprived of this hormone in the winter months
  7. Avoid driving in the dark.  It’s harder to see.

8.  Avoid projects in the evening.  I once heard we retain less when we are tired.


Greater Health & Wholeness

I am more passionate than ever to discover  what it is like to embody greater health and wholeness.  I would like to say at this stage in my life I don’t have a choice and I’m open to embrace change.   I have found it is imperative to take care of my precious vessel and feed it nourishing and sustainable foods.  a.k.a. Keep it clean!  My body deserves my attention!  What’s that saying “If MaMa Ain’t happy nobody is happy.”  I feel happier and healthier when I introduce more fruits and vegetables into my lifestyle along with using discernment of what quenches my palette!  I choose not to eat food that has no nutritional value to it….BUT.. I am not perfect and don’t always keep on track but I do my best!   I’ve heard people say: “Well your gonna die anyways so why not eat what ever you want.”  I disagree:  You are what you eat and we are given this precious body and it is important to treat it with upmost favor.  I feel better physically, physiologically, mentally and spiritually when I do this.

I used to not prioritize food and eat unconsciously.   I have come to know that when I make conscious decisions when it comes to food I feel better about myself,  my mind feels clear and I make better decisions.  There is one area I could improve upon and that is limiting my coffee intake.    I have 1 cup a day and I think I will cut it down to several times a week and see how this goes.  Sometimes it is easy to do what others are doing when it comes to eating habits.

I recently took up drinking celery juice in the AM before I put anything in my stomach.  Anthony Williams (Medical Medium) has written several books and there is a lot of benefit from doing this.  Celery Juice is good for many body aliments.  According to him one of the aliments is Digestive Issues.  I have been doing it for several weeks now and I do not as of yet have any concrete evidence how it is helping me BUT at this point it feels digestible and soothing and as they say “The Proof is in the Pudding.” and give it time!

If you interested in reading the potent healing properties (see below):

If people knew all the potent healing properties of celery juice, it would be widely hailed as a miraculous superfood.

Celery has an incredible ability to create sweeping improvements for all kinds of health issues.


Celery is truly the savior when it comes to chronic illness.

I’ve seen thousands of people who suffer from chronic and mystery illness restore their health by drinking 16 ounces of celery juice daily on an empty stomach.

That’s why long ago I started the movement of drinking pure, straight celery juice, and it’s why I want to be sure people know how to use this potent drink correctly and successfully.

Celery juice is most powerful when you drink it SOLO.

While it’s great to consume other green juices or vegetables juices and add in items like spinach, kale, parsley, cilantro, or apples, drink those mixed juices at a different time than your straight celery juice.

These blends function differently than what I’m recommending as your greatest tool for recovering your health: pure celery juice taken on an empty stomach.

If you drink your celery juice first thing in the morning, it will also strengthen your digestion of foods you eat for the rest of the day.

How do I make celery juice?

1 large bunch of celery

Rinse the celery and run it through a juicer. Drink immediately for best results.

Alternatively, you can chop the celery and blend it in a high-speed blender until smooth. Strain well and drink immediately.

What is the ideal amount of celery juice to receive the healing benefits?

16 oz is the magic number.

Increasing your intake up to 24-32 oz a day, can be extremely beneficial for many battling chronic illness.

How much celery to make 16 oz ?

One large bunch typically makes 16 oz of juice.

When is the best time to drink celery juice?

Best consumed first thing in the morning before food.

If that is not possible, anytime during the day 15-30 minutes before or after eating something – is the 2nd best option.

Which juicer do you recommend?

Greenstar Juicer, Omega Juicer, and Aicock Juicer are all great depending on your budget, but any juicer will work

Does the celery have to be organic?

Organic is best, but if you can’t get organic don’t worry.

You can purchase conventionally grown celery.

Then wash each stalk with a drop of natural fragrance-free dish soap, followed by rinsing in water.

If you don’t have natural clear dish soap, give the celery a quick rinse in warm water.

Making sure to rinse each stalk.

Can I make celery juice ahead of time?

It’s best to drink celery juice immediately after juicing.

But if you don’t have options other wise, do not let it go past one day (24 Hours).

If using this option, make sure to seal it in a mason jar, and store in the fridge.

Do I need to cut off the leaves of the celery, they taste bitter?

You can leave them on, or cut them off.

Some people do prefer to cut them off, because they can make the juice a little bitter.

Can I freeze celery juice, and make batches ahead of time?

If you cannot drink your celery juice after making it, and making ahead and freezing is your only option, then freezing it is okay.

But this is a last resort, and should not be relied on.

Fresh is always best.

Celery juice’s powerful medicinal qualities will decrease when freezing it.

Can I chop and wash celery the night before so it’s ready to juice in the morning?

Yes, this is great way to prepare and save some time for the next morning.

What if I can’t stand the taste of straight celery juice?

If you find the taste of straight celery juice too strong, you can juice one cucumber and/or one apple with the celery.

This is a great option as you get adjusted to the flavor.

As you get used to it, keep increasing the ratio of celery; the greatest benefits come when celery juice is consumed on it’s own.

Is it okay to add lemon or lime to my celery juice?

Celery juice works best on it’s own.

Adding any other ingredients to the juice will dilute it’s medicinal properties.

Wait 15- 30 minutes after drinking, before consuming anything else.

Can I just eat celery instead of juicing it?

The reason we juice the celery versus eating it, is because juicing and removing the pulp (fiber) is the only way to get the powerful healing benefits; for healing chronic illness.

Eating celery itself is helpful and should be part of your diet, but you will not be able to consume enough celery to get the benefits of juicing it.

You wouldn’t be able to receive the concentrated undiscovered cluster salts, that do all of the following :

Quickly rebuild your hydrochloric acid so that your stomach can break down protein.

If protein isn’t broken down properly it will cause gut rot.

Strong hydrochloric acid is important to kill off pathogens entering your mouth.

Celery Juice increases and strengthens your bile.

Strong bile is important for the break down fats, and for the killing off pathogens; that have made their way into your body.

Eating straight celery wouldn’t allow you to get enough of celery’s cluster salts; that acts as antiseptics for pathogens.

Celery juice restores your central nervous system.

Removes old toxins and poisons, such as: old pharmaceuticals from your liver.

Is celery juice okay to consume while pregnant?

Yes, celery juice is safe and healthy to consume while pregnant.

But each person is different, so listen to your body.

If it feels too cleansing, you can try 16 oz of straight cucumber juice instead.

Can I add ice to my celery juice?

It’s best not to add ice, ice will dilute the healing properties of the celery juice.

Is it normal to experience diarrhea after drinking celery juice?

This is a normal detox reaction that some individuals that have a higher level of toxins may experience.

Celery juice will kill off unproductive bacteria in the gut, and can cause diarrhea.

Or in many people a looser stool, at first.

It also helps purge the liver, and can create some diarrhea – if the individual has an extremely toxic liver. Almost everyone today has some degree of liver toxicity, which can lead to countless symptoms and conditions. Find out more about how this develops and how you can support your liver in Liver Rescue.

If the reaction is really intense you can start with a lower amount such as : 2-8 oz of celery juice, and work up from there.

If it is still too intense, try 16 oz of straight cucumber juice.

Cucumber juice is more gentle, until you can handle celery juice.

I feel really tired after drinking celery juice, and experience an increase in symptoms, why does this happen?

This is a normal detox reaction especially for someone who may have toxic blood caused by viruses such as Epstein Barr, and bacteria such as Streptococcus; which can be a low grade infection that someone can have for years.

Celery juice is very healing, and the mineral salts will begin to kill off pathogens like viruses such as Epstein Barr and Shingles, as well as bacteria such as Streptococcus.

Giving some people who may already be feeling symptoms on–and–off in their life such as : fatigue and other symptoms, a temporary feeling of the symptoms coming back.

These symptoms will be short and brief.

This is a powerful healing step that celery juice can offer for long term future health — WITHOUT symptoms.

I experience more bloating after celery juice, what causes this?

Celery juice rapidly speeds up digestion.

It does this by prompting the liver to increase bile production, and instantly strengthening the stomachs hydrochloric acid production.

Which then begins to break down old undigested rotting protein, old rancid fats trapped at the bottom of the stomach, and in the small intestinal tract — that have been there for decades, in everyone.

Once these fats and proteins dissolve, a feeling of bloating occurs that can sometimes be mild to severe, depending on how toxic someone’s digestive tract has become.

Along with how much old rotten undigested debris is in their digestive tract.

I experience stomach pain or upset after drinking celery juice, what is causing this?

This is when someone’s stomach nerves are sensitive.

The vagus nerve is the main nerve that sends signals, and helps the stomach to function.

Often low grade viral infections such as Shingles and the Epstein Barr, create a lot of neurotoxins that mildly inflame the vagus nerve.

So when you drink celery juice, it begins to clean the neurotoxins off the tiny nerve endings inside the stomach lining.

This can cause a gentle reaction.

Also many peoples stomachs are filled with bacteria such as E. Coli, Streptococcus and H. Pylori.

These bacteria die off rapidly which can prompt a spasm, that can be temporarily painful.

Learn more about the healing powers of celery juice in my books Medical Medium, Life-Changing Foods, Thyroid Healing, & Liver Rescue http://amzn.to/2DjQjE9


Yoga and it’s Benefits.

Yoga has been around for 1000’s of years.  Stepping on a Yoga mat can be beneficial for that reason alone.  I became a Yoga Practitioner in 2008 and I knew it was time to do something different in my life.  I was yearning for peace and wanted to know how to become centered.  I want you to know you don’t have to become a teacher to find your center but it was a good thing for me because I needed to show up for myself.  It was a 6 month structure where I had to be consistent, committed and repetitive.

To this day I am inspired by how Yoga benefits myself and others.  A friend of mine went to a class for the first time and discovered how tight his hamstrings were and didn’t know what to do with his “talkative” mind.  After a few classes he realized he was standing up straight as well.  My friends it is the consistent things we do on a daily basis that bring lasting change.

Over the years I have noticed changes in myself from practicing Yoga.  These include~ healthier food choices, lengthening of the spine, stamina, calmness, better digestion, feeling lighter and connected to myself.

I believe that theory about our bodies having a biomemory (stored memories).  I also believe the body can change  by getting on a Yoga mat and getting into positions to lengthen the muscles, spine, calming the central nervous system and many other benefits.   When you do this repetitively your bio memory cannot help but to re-organize itself!


Chanting ~ How it impacted my life!

I recently had the experience of listening to a live youtube channel of a weekend event with Krishna Das in Yogaville in May, 2018.  He has been chanting for many years and also plays the Harmonium.  There are several others who are a part of this band.  I love listening to his chanting and the musical instruments.  One of the musical instruments I deeply resonate with is the “violin”.  It just sets my heart on fire.

Tears of joy, sadness and even my deepest fears came bursting forth during this event.  I do not know what the words mean and I do not need to know but I do Know that I was transformed by this weekend event.  I still am contemplating whether to get a “Harmonium” or not!  I want to learn how to play it and chant with it!  I was so impacted by this experience that I looked at tickets for his next event.  I did not want to miss out!

My inner chatter totally subsided and I felt “one” with everything.  The “pain” that I carried in my body (I had no idea that this extent of “pain” even existed) came to the forefront.  I was grateful for it and at the same time it was a big “Wow”.

Krishna Das says;  “That he needed to sing to clear out the dark corners in his mind” or something like that.  I totally get it.  I believe we all have a voice inside of us that needs to express.  I have had a lot of fear in my life to express myself and that is one of the reasons why I write.  I have a history and believe me when I tell you a long history of being uncomfortable with speaking up in a conversation or saying “no” but am learning that my “discomfort” is a doorway to my divinity which involves  me being human and divine.

How I changed through Vibrational Transformation

What is Transformation Vibration?  A wise person once said (Panache Desai)
“when you change your energy you change your life.”  He refers to himself as a vibrational catalyst.

I have had the privilege to work with him over the course of the past 5 years.  He has helped me transform my “dense” or heavy energy.  This is done through the process of embracing your sadness, fear and anger.  We are taught from an early age on that it is not Okay to feel our feelings.   When we suppress these emotions we literally feel “weighed” down.

When I am in Panaches presence my supppressed feelings rise to the surface and past memories surface and hence my feelings come to life.  such as anger, sadness, pain etc.  I have learned so much about myself over this 5 year period.  This has not been easy by any means….

BENEFITS: 1. Opening my heart (I had no idea I had a closed heart until I met Panache).  2. Being honest with myself. 3.  Overcoming adversity. 4. Less afraid of being judged. 5. Speaking and standing up for myself. 6. Embracing life and much more.

When vibrational transformation happens you get to the covered spaces within you and the love and light do it’s work on your behalf.  It opens up dark corners and the light shines forth. I have noticed that I  have abandoned myself for the sake of putting other people before my own needs.  I had to learn to pull myself in to connect to myself instead of the outside world.  More or less I was giving my power away.  I had to look at “my so called flaws.”

To this day I still don’t like my anger, resentments, jealousy but I am discovering that this is part of our human nature and when we can learn to embrace this instead of “negating” it energy opens up for us in a whole new way.   Love is inclusive ~ the good, bad and ugly.  Remember this next time when you may perceive a not so nice feeling arise!  Don’t settle and don’t sell yourself short.

Why I started to blog?

I started to Blog in 2011.  I wanted to share inspiration and information with others.  Most of my blog posts started out about my personal journey.  Maybe one would call it Self-help.  I would like to say it was a good way to give myself my own advice and maybe this would call to someone else’s heart.  Writing has always been cathartic for me and it is a great way to gain clarity in my own life.  Believe it or not I still feel hesitant when I write and all kinds of “doubt” seep in but I continue to do it anyway!  I can be my own worst critic.

I expanded my blogging with different subjects recently..  The subjects include nutrition, travel, self-help, inspiration, healing modalities, essential oils and health.   I am not an expert but I love to share what has helped me on my journey.  A key ingredient has been commitment, consistency and repetition.  I am also a Yoga instructor and RN.  I would be interested to know what subject you would like to know more about.  Please go to my contact page on my website at http://www.annelamantia.com and leave me a message if your interested.

I also have some good resources if you are interested in starting a blog.  I like to keep my posts to 300 words or less.  I like to keep it simple.  I use social media and other platforms to share information and I would like to expand even more.


Benefits of Yoga Nidra

What is Yoga Nidra?  It is a technique which places your attention on different  parts of the body for relaxation.  The idea is to get out of your head and come into the awareness of  body sensations.  I became a Yoga Instructor in 2008 and this is what I learned ~ When I work with students I have them lie on the floor and use props to support there back.  I guide them to focus on various parts of the body for 15- 20 minutes.  Yoga Nidra can be used for shorter periods or longer periods.   I have been a student and teacher of this technique and the benefits I reaped were;

  1.  Calming the mind
  2.  Observing my thoughts
  3.  relaxation of my muscles
  4.  Flowing with life instead of pushing against life
  5.  Expansion of breath
  6.  Calmer Digestive system
  7.  Headaches subsided
  8.  Problem solving:  Awareness
  9.  Getting in touch with that deeper part of myself
  10.   Flow of prana
  11.  Body sharing with me of how to “eat” better
  12.  Put me in touch with my emotions and vulnerability

more benefits…

  1.  Calming the nervous system
  2.  Lenghtening the spine
  3.  Relaxation of the internal organs
  4.  Letting go and softening
  5.  And many other benefits

This is a great practice if you are looking for ways to deal with stress and a great way to to get out of your own way so new ideas can flow into your awareness.

Please contact me if you are wanting to learn more about Yoga Nidra at annelamantia@verizon.net

A Gateway to a New Expression: Self Love….

IMG_5467I have always been under the belief that “self love” is selfish…this is not true!   I was brought up in a family of 7 which included my parents and I tended to the younger siblings quite often as my Mom always did for everyone else but not herself.  I am sure this contributed to my belief system  of putting  yourself first is selfish.  I also was under the influence of the church that it was better to give than receive and I felt quilty when I did receive.  Most of my life I would seemingly  put other peoples needs before mine.  I  believe the resentment I have felt was because I didn’t nuture myself, but I was an expert at nurturing others.  After all it is much easier to tend to others than yourself!
I lean into what “lights me up” instead of what brings me down when I make a decision.  I have learned and continue to learn to surrender.  I have no control of how things are going to turn out but I do have control of how I will respond.  I am learning to say “No” and not giving my power away to outside sources.  Prioritizing my schedule has been essential to my growth.  At this moment I believe my purpose is to know that everything is possible and we live in an abundant universe AND it “lights me up” when I witness other people doing this!  My advice is… do for yourself first and everything will fall into place, listen to your own voice and sway from outside distractions, do something everyday that nutures your soul,  patterns can be broken and go after  your dreams…after all isn’t that why we are here!